Everyone experiences feelings of depression sometimes. But when feeling depressed interferes with our ability to keep up with responsibilities, it may mean we need some additional support.
My name is Pat Deegan. In the course of my recovery after a diagnosis of schizophrenia, I experienced low energy and sometimes even felt depressed. That was particularly true when I was working with a therapist to heal from childhood trauma. Over time, I learned to manage these challenges so I could get back to doing the things in life that matter most to me. Of course, there are still times when I experience challenges. But since discovering my Personal Medicine, I have the tools and know-how to get back on track.
In this Guide, you will have the opportunity to discover your own unique Personal Medicine for Feeling Depressed.
This Guide contains education, workbook-style exercises, Personal Medicine Cards, tracking tools and reflection questions.
Guides are designed for single use by an individual and can be self-directed or staff supported.